News ID: 1345
Publish Date : 15 December 2017 - 09:15

Chinese Benefit from the Increases of Vehicle Import Tariff

During the recent days, there rumors about the government’s decision to increase the vehicle import tariff but the Economic Ministers didn’t conform it, yet. The question is that how much the Chinese benefit from the increases of vehicle import tariff?
KhodroCar – It has been few years that the Chines vehicles made a name for themselves in Iran car market. The vehicles which have good options and attracted the Iranian customers. But the question is that is the increase of vehicle import tariff a positive point for Chinese? Will they be able to attract more customers?

Some experts believe that this increase includes all importers, and everyone benefits from their market share.

Ali Aliabadi told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "There are many different scenarios about organizing the vehicle import but none of them are approved yet.” He said that I can’t confirm any news about the increase in vehicle import tariff.

Also Hasan Karimi Sanjari, automotive industry expert, told Khodrocar regarding the vehicle import tariff’s increase: "The car import tariff is a comprehensive issue that must first be clarified by the government. They should clarify that what’s the purpose of this increase.”

According to Sanjari, if this tariff is imposed, it will be for both Chinese cars and non-Chinese cars.

He emphasized: "By increasing the car import tariffs, the prices of will also increase and it will affect the domestic car prices too.  Tariff is like a remedy, maybe its tastes bad but it will have positive effects.”

Sanjari added: "Another important factor in the imported vehicle market is CBU, CKD and any other auto parts which are imported to the country and it should be analyzed.”

He stated: "If the tariff has a comprehensive system, it will affect the Chinese car and they will face this giant. It is expected that the price of all imported vehicles will be increased. This increase will reduce the sales and the Chinese are not exceptions.

Sanjari emphasized: "In the meantime, only automakers do not suffer from losses that have already been planned for the Iranian market. The car makers who carry out their sales through assembly.”

Khodrocar reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh